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What are Different Types of Dentures?

A denture is used to replace missing teeth and surrounding tissues. They are removable and easier to clean. There are two types of dentures available including complete and partial dentures.  If you have more than one missing teeth, you need to visit an Emergency Dental Care. 


Complete Denture


Complete dentures are designed to replace all your missing teeth. They may be either Conventional dentures or immediate. This kind of dentures is constructed when all missing teeth are eliminated and the process of gum healing has been started. It is ready for the replacement in the mouth after eight to twelve weeks of teeth removal.

Partial Dentures

A partial denture is also a removable denture composed of replacement teeth connected to a gum-colored plastic case. Sometimes, it is attached to the metal framework that helps to support the dentures in the right place in the mouth.


Partial dentures are useful when more than one natural teeth remain in the upper or lower jaw. A fixed bridge restores more than one tooth by adding crowns on the teeth on both sides of the space along with artificial teeth. Then the bridge is bonded into place. Partial dentures fill in the empty spaces created by the missing teeth. Also, it prevents other teeth from changing their places. An accurate partial denture is separable and has internal connections rather than hooks that join to the adjacent crowns. This appliance appears more natural-looking. If you have any questions or doubts, meet the dentist open on Saturday near me.


It may be possible that you require to improve the fittings of crowns on your natural teeth to get better fit removable partial dentures. Additionally, they are generally needed with attachments.

Consult your dentist office open on Saturday, to find out which type is suitable for you.




How to care for your Dentures:


  • Clean your dentures with an authentic denture cleaner.
  • Never use toothpaste for cleaning your dentures as it can be proven harsh for them.
  • Brush the denture regularly to eliminate debris and plaque otherwise, it will get stained permanently.
  • Use only the brushes that are specifically designed to clean the dentures because their bristles are arranged to fit the shape of the denture. You may use regular soft-bristled brushes to clean them.
  • Never use hard-bristled toothbrushes because they can damage the denture.
  • Clean your dentures thoroughly to lose food particles.



To clean your dentures properly, first, rinse off and then moisten the brush. After that, apply a denture cleaner to brush gently over the complete surface of your dentures so that you can avoid damage to them.


If you don’t keep your dentures moist, they can lose their shape. Also, keep your denture in soaking solution the whole night to maintain moisture in them. If you want to keep your denture in proper shape, don’t chew, or gargle with denture cleansers. Also, rinse the dentures thoroughly before placing them in your mouth.


With passing time, it is necessary to make adjustments as your mouth naturally changes that can affect the fit of the denture.


Removable partial dentures cost between $650 to $2,500 (upper or lower, not both).



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